Mysteries of Life

Location: Hyderabad, A P, India

I am a kind of person who rather like to keep to myself and have few but very close friends. And i'd like to keep like that. I am a little old fashioned when it comes to the matters of heart. Yeah, I am a Scorpion.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

My First Dream

I remembered you,
I came closer to you,
And walked away,
I am living because of you,
Today, I am seeing you within me!
What is the use if the letter,
Gets burnt while reading?
Shade of the trees will ask you,
What can I tell them?
Are you like the silence of,
A withered flower?
My room seeks your anklet’s sound,
What can I tell them?
Can broken bangles speak?
Where are those fingers,
Which warms my hand?
You’re not here for me,
To lie down on your shoulder!
Before my first dream is fulfilled,
I lost my sleep!

Monday, May 28, 2007

My Fate

Is it me or my fate,
To be alone,
To keep losing,
Friends, heart and love,
To have an empty soul,
To have an empty heart,
To long for things,
Which I can never have,
I feel something is missing inside me,
As though I lost love for everything,
Nothing excites me nor motivates me,
All I wish is for the good ol’ days,
I am waiting for someone,
My soul searching for that someone,
But can I get what I long for,
Is another question,
Since it is me or my fate,
Stopping from getting what I want.

Beautiful Life

Life was beautiful once,
But only for a few moments,
Rest of it was a dreadful experience,
Full of nightmares and sadness,
Still haunted by the ghosts from the past,
I lost myself in the rush,
Never having any real control,
Over my life, actions and emotions,
Only acting as a puppet of fate,
Always found myself lonely,
None understood and supported me.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Smile on my lips

I only have the support of my arms,
'Coz I don't have warmth from others,
Which I need in this cold,
I may die today,
I may die tomorrow,
But I die with a smile on my lips,
Knowing that I haven't broken a heart,
With my death,
Since I was loved by none.